Two years & over 5 million trees

November 21, 2023

In the heart of New Zealand, a transformative initiative is helping to redefine the future of land - land which has traditionally been considered underutilised, paving the way for economic prosperity and environmental stewardship.

Tāmata Hauhā is a company Pacific Channel co-founded with the Māori management team two years ago. And in those two years, Tāmata has become a catalyst for change, funding 23 Māori incorporations and hapū across New Zealand. Over 5 million trees have been planted, contributing to nectar production, carbon sequestration, medicinal resources, and future lumber – a visionary plan spanning 20 to 50 years, ultimately transitioning back to native bush.

At its core, Tāmata is leveraging the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) as an ‘enabler’ – a tool to create economic and environmental opportunities. With the sole focus of restoring the whenua, its people and their prosperity, Tamata’s approach involves afforesting underutilised Māori land, tapping into the potential of the NZ ETS to generate carbon credits known as New Zealand Units (NZUs) that can be traded on the open market.


Unlocking the potential of Māori land

Tāmata Hauhā addresses a critical societal challenge with immense economic potential – the undercapitalisation of Māori land. Traditional bank loans often elude these lands, hindering their development and potential returns. Tāmata partners with the land owner to provide practical strategies and funding that develop un-productive land into productive assets, not only enhancing the value of Māori land but also ensuring the returns are shared equitably.


The returns from the carbon and solar investment address the issue of lack-of-capital and ‘actually-doing-stuff funding’ for Māori and landowners. We see carbon and solar being the backbone and cashflow needed for things to happen.

But Tāmata's impact goes beyond financial support. The company is harnessing cutting-edge technology, utilising geospatial data to identify Māori land plots that are suitable for economic enhancement. This includes not only afforestation but also environmentally friendly initiatives such as micro-hydropower generation and strategic apiculture sites.

Combining tradition with technology is what sets Tāmata apart as a forward-thinking force in sustainable land development.


Tāmata's Impact: A Glimpse into the First Two Years


The environmental benefits are twofold, with carbon sequestration revenues projected to surpass $1 billion over 30 years, benefiting Māori landowners and creating substantial employment opportunities in regional New Zealand.


Recent Milestones and Future Horizons

So what next? Recent updates from Tāmata reveal the company's forward-looking approach:

Solar Initiatives:

Collaboration with a European renewable energy company opens the door to ready-to-build solar projects on Māori land, marking a leap towards sustainable energy solutions.


Carbon Crop Partnership:

Tāmata's exclusive agreement with Carbon Crop presents Māori land block owners with an additional income stream by selling voluntary carbon credits derived from existing native bush.


Future-Forward Funding:

An exclusive agreement allows Tāmata to offer funding for Māori land committed to ongoing carbon sequestration beyond the 50-year period of the Emissions Trading Scheme. This commitment extends into the production of voluntary carbon units post-50years from planting.


In co-founding Tāmata Hauhā, Pacific Channel has brought together fund management expertise and extensive networks to support Māori aspirations at scale.

The initiative stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for Māori land and its communities. As Tāmata continues to plant seeds of change, the vision of a thriving, sustainable future for Māori land is becoming a reality.



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